Construction Firms are going through a digital modernization, but it’s happening in silos. Tools that lack uniformity across the project lifecycle leave many key drivers of growth – Business Developers, Seller-doers, and marketing team- invested in pursuing, nurturing and many more. Over-investment in tools not truly meant for these roles’ unique project pursuit needs tend to pave a clear path to fragmented reporting, spreadsheet. High impact work does not happen in silos, and neither does scalability.

The WORKEXACTLY Difference

WORKEXACTLY delivers purpose-built solutions that empower your organisation to simplify insights, automate workflows, foster collaboration and ultimately drive to project success.

WORKEXACTLY is ever ready with ever-changing regulatory requirements to keep pace with these challenges.

1. BID Management: Bid and Estimate Accurately

2. WIP Tracking: Monitor & Measure WIP in real time data

3. Project Management: Track and Execute projects Efficiently

4. Financial Accounting



For construction companies, maintain control over a project is a significant task. From managing the tender process to coordinating subcontractors to communicating with owners and designers, it is critical that construction companies are equipped with the right tools so they can access the right information at the right time- no matter where they are physically located.


Why WORKEXACTLY for Real Estate & Construction Industry?

1. Perfect mix of ERP, CRM

2. Scalable solution

3. Smooth Transition


With WORKEXACTLY mobile app, team can create a paperless site with digital access to items like change in orders and drawings to address questions in the field quickly. Team can take pictures and make annotations from their mobile devices and attach them to observation or defect management items, providing instant information about potential issues.