NOWARA INFOTECH Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP for Chemical Industry
As the chemical industry moves into 2022, strong demand for both commodity and specialty chemicals should keep prices robust throughout the year. The industry should also experience increased capital expenditure as leading industry players focus on building capacity and expanding into growing end markets through both organic and inorganic routes.
As a chemical’s manufacturer, you should follow certain practices that are unique to your business. From wide experience in this industry, and adopt the best practices built into WORKEXACTLY Chem ERP.
What are the challenges in chemical Industry?
The five key challenges are: 'Increasing commoditisation of chemical products'; disruption in feedstock supply leading to rising trade tensions'; 'volatility in prices resulting in crude price volatility'; volatility in foreign exchange leading to rising trade tensions'; and 'risk of global economic slowdown.
Why WORKEXACTLY for Chemical Industry ?
-- Support for FEFO
-- Inventory Management
-- Procurement Management
-- Delivery Management
-- Plant Maintenance
-- Finance Management
-- Human Resource Management
-- Quality Control Management
-- Work Progress Management
-- Customer Relationship Management
-- Supply chain Management
-- Material Management
WORKEXACTLY is ready and prepared to challenge all the upcoming requirement and customization of the industry to adapt and capable of doing that as per the demand of the company.